Jun 20Liked by K.M. Bennett

This looks great. I self-published on Amazon in 2009 after they debuted KDP. I wrote a collection in order to test the waters and am publishing it here now, in addition to other novels. Personally I'm trying to use Substack as a launch pad for new work, prior to Amazon. So perhaps set a pre-order date for the book release there, as the algo likes that.

I'd like to hear how you balance the marketing for your various genres, as I'm in the same boat. I write everything from horror to SF to YA to children's.

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Thanks, Ryan! It's nice to meet another multi-genre author!

So far on the marketing front I'm still relatively inexperienced. Since I haven't self-publushed anything, all I have are short story publications in other journals or group anthologies, and on fiction podcasts. But one thing I have done so far is that I use different pen names for different genres in the hopes that readers will know to expect horror from K.M. Bennett, fantasy from Katie M. Bennett, and so on. The pen names are just variations on my name but I hope they help distinguish my work for people. I will probably create different amazon author pages for each name as well, as I start publishing more.

Then, on my website, I have the relevant pen name in parenthesis in my list of publications.

I'll be sure to share more as I continue learning!

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Congratulations. Great cover.

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Thank you! It’s only a sliver of the cover that is showing, so that means a lot! :)

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Jun 18Liked by K.M. Bennett

The cover looks amazing! Will I be able to buy this in paperback version on Amazon?

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I *think* so? I'm still figuring out how I want distribution to be done but it's a possibility!

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And thanks so much!!!

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